Monday 6 May 2013

Which is best WordPress or Blogger platform

Today i’m going to tell you why so many people prefer WordPress over Blogger.

As i told you in my previous blog post, if you are new to blogging better you need to start your blogging journey with Blogger. But after some point of time if you want to become professional blogger or you want some change in blogging then better you need to move to WordPress.

I was blogging using the blogger but after i learnt so many things from blogger, i felt like let me try WordPress once, let me host my site on paid service. I had read so many reviews on WordPress  its one of the top blogging platform. So i choose WordPress as publishing platform.

The major advantages of WordPress over blogger are:

1) You will have full control on SEO (search engine optimization).

2) You will get lots of beautiful themes, you really love them.

3) WordPress has got large number of plugins, plugin are the one which acts as extra service for Eg: adding Facebook button, subscribe buttons, floating images, lazy loading blog post etc… like this vast number of plugins are available in its own dedicated server. All you need to do is just download and install it. simply activate and use them.

4) The user interface of WordPress is awesome, it has got interface like Mac OS.

5) Major advantage is you can edit the URL of the post which you are going to publish i.e called as permalink.

6) Here in WordPress everything is ready-made  you just have to install and use, hardly code changes are required in your PHP template.

7) WordPress platform is free, you can install and use it on any hosting server. Even i was very new to WordPress when i started for the first time, now i have learnt few things about WordPress  in my next blog i will share more about how to set up WP blog and other stuffs.

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