Monday 6 May 2013

Google XML sitemap generator plugin review and settings for WordPress.

Google XML sitemap generator plugin review and settings for WordPress.

Once you create any blog, it’s always good to submit the sitemap to search engines like Google, Bing etc…

Sitemap is a XML file which tells the search engines what to index and what not. WordPress is one of the awesome blogging platform, here you can just download a SEO plugin and configure, that’s all. You don’t have to make any of the code changes, everything plugin takes care, your job is just to tell what you want in search engines i.e you want the pages of your blog to appear, tags, category, archive information etc…

Amount the SEO tools available for WordPress, Google XML sitemap generator is one of the best SEO plugin & the configuration is so simple, you don’t have to worry much about it, everything is available in a single page.

Here are few things as i observed, before you index anything in search engines you need to think is it really needed, if so then only you index. Remember if search engine detects duplicate contents, your site will be penalized which result in poor traffic.

This my XML generator settings image,

Google XML sitemap generator plugin review and settings for WordPress.

I need only static pages and posts to get indexed in search engines, rest all are not required. Tags will cause duplicate content issue, so ignore it. Categories i had indexed previously but after checking in so many places its better not to index them, Don’t index your category-archives, date-archives etc.. Author pages is up to you.

Other settings in Google XML sitemap generator is easy, you will get to know by reading them directly. Whenever you create and publish new post, automatically sitemap generator tool notify search engines.

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